Amazon Music
Descrição do canal
Amazon Music (Formerly known as AmazonMP3) offers millions of songs in high-quality MP3 format. In addition to your music being available on Amazon.com, your fans will be able to access your music using Amazon’s Cloud Player for Kindle Fire HD/HDX, iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, or any other phone or tablet running the Google Android operating system. Amazon’s Cloud Drive and the Amazon Cloud Player will make it easy for your fans to purchase and listen to your music everywhere they go.
On June 12, 2014 Amazon launched Prime Music. Amazon Prime customers can now listen ad-free to over a million songs and hundreds of expert-programmed playlists. Customers have the ability to download their favorite songs and Prime Playlists for offline playback on mobile devices.
Content only becomes available for streaming to Amazon Prime customers 90 days after the release date.
Tipo de serviço
Amazon offers music through streaming e downloads
The service is available in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and the USA.
Hora de entrar no ar
It takes anywhere from 3-7 business days for content to go live in Amazon Music.
Important Note: Amazon Music makes preview clips of your song(s) available BEFORE your digital sales start date, as soon as 3-7 business days after distribution. The release won’t be available to buy until your release date, but if you’re uncomfortable with having preview clips available before that date, please do not choose Amazon Music as a store for distribution until after or right before your release date.
Taxa de pagamento
You may sell your music on Amazon Music according to different wholesale pricing tiers. Generally, the tiers are as follows:
- Front Line: This tier pays you the highest wholesale price (best for new releases)
- Mid Line: This tier offers a slightly lower payout than Front Line (suggested for new releases and recent releases)
- Catalog: This tier is slightly lower than both Front Line and Mid Line (suggested for releases older than 18 months)
- Special:This is the lowest wholesale pricing tier offered (suggested option for promotions, older and/or slow-selling catalogs)
Important Note: Please note that how you price your music is always within your discretion once you select the Amazon Music store and that our guidelines are merely suggestions. But please be aware, an album can only be submitted at one of the above pricing tiers and all songs on that album will be sold at that corresponding level. This means that individual tracks will be pro-rated according to the album price that you selected.
Observação importante: Amazon Music sets customer prices independently (the retail price). Even though you may choose which pricing tier you’d like for your album (the wholesale price), the corresponding customer price is set by Amazon MP3 and can change at any time.
Paid Downloads: Payouts are based on territory specific rates, so for songs downloaded individually in a store, you will be paid the wholesale price of channel’s retail price. Not including transaction surcharges added (for e.g Paypal), less VAT and fees due to exploitation of the content payable to Collecting Societies.
Fluxos pagos: When a Amazon Prime customer streams your music, you get paid a proportionate share of Amazon’s subscription revenue per month calculated on terms set out in our agreement with the store (this usually excludes streams during a subscriber’s free trial). Payments will fluctuate each month, depending on the amount of subscription revenue generated and how often your music was streamed.
channel accepts all genres